-Garden space to grow veg - allotments or community garden
-A community shed
-Massive wormery for all our local food waste and community composting area
-A tool exchange
-A seed exchange
-Plant sales
-A space where food could be grown and cooked - keeping it really local
- A bee sanctuary with honey production
- An educational centre for growing and beekeeping - this might be especially treasured by kids in an urban area
-An educational centre conencted to local schools and maybe linked to the Windmill - wheat growing, bread making
- An inner city farm with goats and chickens
- A community meeting space with space for training, arts, playgroups and meetings
- A garden classroom - for children and for adults wanting to learn more and for the many local community groups to meet each other and learn how to grow to the next stage
- A community kiln for firing ceramics
- A community oven for cooking bread and pizza
- Office space for micro enterprises/small creative enterprises
- A quiet space for thinking and reflection (with wi-fi access!)
- A space for children's birthday parties and other celebrations (with noise kept in check!)
The idea of leasing the land also came up and growing and then cooking street food from vans for a few weekends in the summer.
The winning and immediate idea was to get together for a party - in fact the Brixton Garden Party - to get to know each other and get more people involved in thinking about the space. A group is coming together soon to plan...
Please join us on 1st June 2011, 8pm at the White Horse, Brixton Hill.